The MediCopia application suite supports the following hardware manufacturers. Please contact your Lattice sales representative to order or obtain additional information on any of our partner products.
MediCopia supports the Motorola MC55-HC and TC51-HC handheld computers, as well as the ET5x Android tablet. The Zebra product line includes white healthcare plastic for superior durability and infection control. Zebra mobile printers are the product of choice for the MediCopia product. We support the Qln220-HC mobile printer and the ZD410 desktop printer.
MediCopia supports both the Honeywell CT50h handheld and CN70 ultra-rugged handheld computers, as well as the Captuvo sleds for iOS. These mobile computers provide a superior level of performance and ruggedness in a physical form factor that is easy to use for nurses and phlebotomists alike. We also support the SG20 Bluetooth Imager with our Win32 client.